Saturday, February 21, 2009


We have to be the luckiest people alive to live in Lubbock and be able to attend the Lion's Club Pancake Supper year after year! Seriously, I look forward to drowning myself in butter and syrup all year long- what a treat! I brought my camera along to take a picture of the goodness, and wouldn't you know, my battery died just before we went in. I did however manage to get a picture of my precious little Ava before we went in, who by the way, loves pancakes just as much as I do!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Valentine Play Group

We had play group at our house again this morning. The kids decorated Valentine bags and exchanged Valentines......and ate cookies (and sometimes just smashed cookies on the floor:)!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

House Update

Ava got caught doing something she knew she wasn't suppose to be doing!

I know everyone has just been dying to know the status of Jordan's house on Hope. It is such a gorgeous day, that I decided to get out and take some pictures of it's current state. It's open today, so go out and have a look!